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Mother’s Union

The Mothers’ Union was founded by Mary Sumner the wife of a clergyman. She was spurred on in 1876 to form a small group for young mothers who were experiencing the difficulties of motherhood. She was concerned about how these young mothers related their Christian faith to family life.

From these small beginnings has grown a worldwide organisation, now with millions of members. The aims are still centred on children and their welfare.

The Wychwood Mothers’ Union meet every first Tuesday of the month at the Church Room in Milton. The Meeting begins at 2.00 p.m. There are usually prayers and a speaker, followed by refreshments.

We have a communion service in the Church Room on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 10.30 a.m.

We have  on-going projects in the Wychwood area and we support national  and worldwide initiatives.

Our meetings are happy, social occasions and are open to anyone who would like to come.

A warm welcome awaits you at  Wychwood Benefice Mothers’ Union.



April 7th          Mothers’ Union Service United in Prayer

 May 5th           Ruth Gillingham  Our library today

June 2nd          Heather Edwards from Cotswold  Beauty

June 17th         Deanery Service Milton church

July 3rd            Annual Outing

August              No meeting in August

August 4th      Lunch

Sept.1st            Elizabeth Harrison  Friends of Christ Church Cathedral

Oct.6th              Mr Brian McCutcheon

Nov 3rd            Rev.Kate Stacey

Dec                    Christmas Party.