Come and have a delicious cream tea in the beautiful grounds of St Mary’s Church. Tickets from [email protected]
A benefice of three rural parishes in the Cotswolds
All Souls’ Service Sunday 30 October 10.30am Milton Church
We will once again be reading out the names of those who have died recently and remembering other departed loved ones we hold dear at this special service. During the service, there will also be an opportunity to light a candle in memory of your own loved ones. If you would like to add someone to the list of those to be remembered please call or email the office [email protected]
Christian Aid Week 15-21 May
“With every gift, every action, every prayer, we celebrate and share hope with our sisters and brothers facing crisis around the world, from Ukraine to Zimbabwe.”
If you would like to donate during Christian Aid week (or at any time) you can do so online via the special page Milton have created (so we can see how much we raise)
or via the main CA website:
Christmas Shoeboxes Thank You
Thank you to everyone who donated shoeboxes this year. We had a total of 98 which will be going to Romania, Georgia, Moldavia and Uganda.
For further details, please visit:
Read the latest Church News here: Church News 18 April 2021
There are services as follows on Sunday 18 April:
11am Holy Communion Service in Shipton Church.
This service will also be recorded and posted to facebook:
11am Live Zoom Service
Join our Zoom Sunday Service:
Meeting ID: 838 3997 6916
Passcode: Service
You can download the orders of service here:
Easter_Season Sunday worship on Zoom
If you would like to make a one off donation towards our churches here are the bank details:
Payable to: The Wychwood Benefice, CAF Bank
Acc No: 00032493, Sort Code: 40 52 40
Read the latest Church News here: Church News 14 March 2021 final
There are services as follows on Sunday:
9.30am Holy Communion Service in Milton Church
11am Live Family Mothering Sunday Zoom Service
Join our Zoom Sunday Service:
Meeting ID: 838 3997 6916
Passcode: Service
Pre-recorded Holy Communion Service on facebook and YouTube
If you would like to make a one off donation towards our churches here are the bank details:
Payable to: The Wychwood Benefice, CAF Bank
Acc No: 00032493, Sort Code: 40 52 40
We are currently offering a range of Church services -in our buildings, live online and pre-recorded for you to watch whenever you want.
In Church:
Each Sunday there is one Holy Communion service rotating around the Benefice churches. These will be simple said services. Think seriously about attending these services, safety must come first. We observe social distancing and hygiene measures. In Fifield church, we ask you book so we can organise the seating. Telephone Catherine Hitchens 01993 831881.
There is a short mid-week Holy Communion Service each Wednesday at 10.30am in Milton Church.
See the plan of services until the end of April here:
Live Zoom Services:
We are also holding a live zoom service every Sunday at 11am. This is a short, informal service followed by coffee and conversation from 11.30-12.
Details for joining:
Meeting ID: 838 3997 6916
Passcode: Service
Zoom by phone. It is also possible to join the zoom service by phone if you don’t have internet or an alternative option. If you would like some help with zoom, get in touch with Liz 01993 684286 or Anne 01993 830160.
A pre-recorded Holy Communion Service (filmed in one of the churches weekly) is posted online (to our YouTube and FaceBook pages every Sunday morning.
Your church, you choose.
Milton Concert Eight in a Bar and Surrey Fringe
Thank you to everyone who supported the choir concert in Milton church. It was
fabulous to see the church full with such a friendly and supportive audience to
support these two very different choirs. We raised over £1100, which has been
divided between the John Radcliffe Neurosciences Ward and the Benefice.
To read the latest Church News click here: 141018 + 211018 Trinity 20 and Trinity 21
Shipton Church Fete Bank Holiday Monday 27 August 12-4pm
On the village green there will be stalls and games to appeal to all ages. There will be burgers, hotdogs and a bar selling beer, Pimms and soft drinks. Stalls will include the white elephant, books and jigsaws as well as stalls from external exhibitors. There will also be hoopla, Aunt Sally, tombola, other games and the jousting horse.
Inside the church we will provide tea and delicious cakes and a cake stall. On offer will be tours of the fascinating bell tower plus a special free musical programme.