Church Services in June 2021
There will be services as follows in June and each week a service will be livestreamed from Milton Church to Facebook or a recorded service will be posted online.
Sunday 6 June
11.00am United Benefice Holy Communion in Shipton
11.00am Live Zoom Service (our final zoom service for now)
Sunday 13 June – Patronal: St John the Baptist, Fifield
9.30am Holy Communion in Milton live streamed on Facebook
11.00am Holy Communion in Shipton
11.00am Patronal BCP Holy Communion in Fifield PLEASE BOOK (tel 01993 831881)
Sunday 20 June – Father’s Day
From 9.15am Bacon rolls and croissants will be available before the Service
9.30am United Benefice Holy Communion in Milton
Sunday 27 June
8.15am BCP Holy Communion in Shipton
9.30am Worship for All in Milton live streamed on Facebook
11.00am BCP Morning Prayer in Shipton
11.00am BCP Holy Communion in Idbury
Sunday 4 July
11.00am United Benefice Holy Communion in Shipton
Wednesdays 10.30am Mid-Week Holy Communion in Milton live streamed on Facebook