Come and See
What is Come and See?
Come and See takes place during Lent each year. It’s our big, warm open invitation to everyone, for everyone for an adventure in faith and trust. It’s something for the local church and the whole community… including children and young people, families and schools. It’s completely free and all are welcome.
Here at the Wychwood Benefice we will be looking at Come and See at our Lent Groups and also during Sunday services in Lent. We plan to show a short video on the theme for each week during the Sunday service. This will be explored further in the advent groups taking place the following week.
Lent Groups: On Mondays at 11am on Zoom and Wednesdays 2pm at The Paddocks during Lent. Contact Geoffrey for further details. N.B. During Holy Week there won’t be a Monday or Wednesday Lent Group. Instead, the final Lent Group session will be on Wednesday 5 April 6.30pm at The Last Supper evening in Fifield Parish Hall (booking for meal required. Please contact Catherine Hitchens on 01993 831881).
For details on Lent Groups, get in touch with Geoffrey 01993 832514 [email protected]
Session 1 – The vision (for Sunday 26 Feb. and Lent Groups from 27 Feb.)
The Beatitudes show us the very best of what it means to be human: how to live the most fruitful life we can. The way to live well is the way of humility before God, compassion, mercy and peace-making. We see these profound qualities in other people: the great saints of the past and the present. We glimpse them in our communities and ourselves. Jesus affirms that vision but also begins where we are with thanksgiving and appreciation for what is good and for this vision of humanity. (Matthew 5:1-10 &13-16)
Session 2 – The mirror (for Sunday 5 March and Lent Groups from 6 March)
The paradox of human life – immense potential but immense frustration – also reflected in the Beatitudes. We long for a world of justice and harmony. We grapple with our mortality and with our own imperfections. The high standards of the sermon on the mount. The serious consequences of human sin and weakness – but God’s grace in continued love for us and in coming to us as we are in all of our mess and poverty. (Matt. 5:1-10 & 17-30)
If you haven’t yet registered sign up using the links below.
Sign up for the family emails here:
Come and See is completely free and all are welcome.
More details can also be found on the Oxford Diocese Website here: https://oxford.anglican.org/come-and-see