Details of what’s happening this Christmas
Advent & Christmas in the Benefice
All pre-recorded services are posted on facebook: facebook.com/WychwoodBenefice and YouTube (Wychwood Benefice) youtube.com
- Advent Groups: The Wednesday evening group will start on 25 November 7pm on Zoom. The Monday group will start on 30 November. Get in touch with Anne or Geoffrey if you’d like to be involved.
Anne: t 01993 830160 e. [email protected]
We will be using Bishop Steven’s book Alive in Christ and have copies if you would like one -either for individual use or as part of our advent sessions which will run online. Copies are available in Milton church. They cost £2.50. Please post the money into the Church Room postbox or get in touch with Clare. - Sunday 29 November pre-recorded Advent Carols online (includes music from Shipton Choir).
- 11 December Christingle home kits available in Churches and going to all children at school (accompanying video online).
- 13-20 December Blue Christmas Week. Our churches are open for all to remember departed loved ones and find space and peace this week. There will be resources in church including stars to hang on Christmas trees with the names of loved ones and prayers and reflections.
- 20 December Blue Christmas Service 9.30 in Milton church This will be a quiet, simple service for those for whom Christmas is a difficult time of year. It will also be a chance to remember our departed loved ones as well as all those who have been affected by COVID 19, and offer our thanksgiving for all our key workers who have done so much this year.
- 20 December pre-recorded Crib & Christingle Service online
- 20 December pre-recorded Lessons and Carols service online
- Christmas Eve 11pm Midnight Service in Shipton (this service will also be posted online for anyone unable to go to church this Christmas).
- Christmas Day Communion in church:
- 9.30am Milton
- 11am Shipton
- 11am Fifield