Current Guidance on Coming to Church -updated 19 August
Current Guidance on Coming to Church
- We ask you please not to come if you or anyone in your household is unwell with Covid symptoms.
- Masks Although not obliged to do so, please consider wearing a mask in Church.
- Hand sanitizer is readily available.
- Space and Seating We will have an area in church for those who prefer to keep their distance.
- Communion Services Clergy will wear a mask whilst preparing the elements and distributing the Communion as at present.
- Congregational singing Where services have congregational singing, we strongly recommend wearing a mask whilst singing. Please also consider singing more softly than you might usually do, as louder singing increases the risk to other members of the church. The quantity of congregational singing in services may be limited at first.
- Register of Attendance in Church We are encouraging people to continue to sign in and check in using the QR code displayed on the posters in church. These are not the same as close contact alerts issues by the NHS Covid app.