Gifts of The Spirit
Our churches are full of talented people who use their gifts to build up the church community. At a recent Benefice Service we listed some of the gifts each person has or would like to see, in our church life and worship.
Everyone has a gift to offer, which, with a little encouragement, can contribute to our Christian experience.
Sometimes we are not aware of our gifts, and need other people to point them out to us. The discernment of gifts is an ongoing process we’re all involved in. Here is the list we have started. Revd Anne Hartley, 31 Jan ’18
1 Corinthians 12. 1-11 | WYCHWOOD BENEFICE |
Words of Wisdom
Faith Ability to perform miracles The gift of Healing Prophecy Speaking in tongues Interpretation of Tongues Knowledge Discernment of the Spirit
Kindness Hope Calm Young People Quietness Stillness Peace Organisation Hospitality Catering Cleaning Empathy Discernment Music Generosity of Spirit Tact and diplomacy Temperance |
Patience Dedication Self control Warmth! Compassion Love Faith Singing Eating lots of food quickly Computer Games Playing the Cello Spelling Understanding Accepting Differences Leadership Empathy Outreach |
One to one friendship and support
Prayer Children’s ministry Persuasion Talking easily about what we believe in. Patience Listening Communication Reaching out Showing Love and friendship Perseverance Tolerance A compassionate, caring, kind, supportive community – “A Family” |
Cleaning Brass Church Flowers Coffee Sacristan Cleaning windows and cobwebs Tidying the Churchyard Enthusiasm Counting up to 20 in German Art Performing in theatres Doing weird voices Impressions of animals and people Long suffering Humility Ability to find your way out of problems
Studying English
Inclusion Practical Assistance Commitment – eg locking and unlocking the church. Non Judgemental Choir member Courage Ability to see things from the other person’s point of view. Mutual Care Children’s Church Entertaining Appetite Dancing/Acrobatics Joy Goodness |