Harvest Festivals: Come and celebrate together!
Give thanks for God’s provision, for the hard work of the farmers and for the wonderful produce we enjoy!
This year we once again welcome all your donations of fresh or home grown produce as well as store cupboard items.
Please bring your gifts of food to be presented during the services. Money raised will go to Christian Aid.
Donations of produce will go to The Porch http://www.theporch.org.uk/ and Helen and Douglas House http://www.helenanddouglas.org.uk/
25th September, 11am, Idbury, followed by lunch [tickets on 831074]
25th September, 5pm, Milton, followed by supper [tickets on 830160]
9th October, 11am, Shipton, followed by bring and share lunch
9th October, 11am, Fifield [Harvest Supper 8th October tickets on 831881]