Harvest Festivals in the Wychwood Benefice
Harvest Festivals 2018
Sunday 23 September, 11am Idbury Harvest Festival followed by lunch. R.S.V.P. for lunch 01993 831074 by Monday 17 September.
Sunday 23 September 5pm Milton Harvest Festival, followed by supper (all are welcome) Donations of apple crumble welcome.
Sunday 14 October 11am Shipton Harvest Festival, followed by bring & share lunch.
Saturday 13 October Fifield Harvest Supper at the Parish Hall 7 for 7.30pm Tickets £12.50 from Catherine Hitchens 01993 831881.
Sunday 14 October 11am, Fifield Harvest Festival.
Harvest Donations:
All fresh produce you bring will go to Helen & Douglas House
All other produce will go to The Porch Steppin’ Stone Centre
All donations are extremely welcome.