Wednesday 27 March Midweek Holy Communion 10am Milton Church (with Maundy Thursday readings)
Wednesday 27 March “The Last Supper” 6.30 for 7pm Milton Church Room A traditional meal including lamb following Jesus’ last supper with readings & prayers. Booking required by 24 March, contact Anne.
Good Friday 29 March Milton Church 9.30am Good Friday Devotion
Benefice Walk: A small group of people will walk from Shipton Church at 9am, continuing the walk from Milton Church at 10.30am, to Fifield for hot cross buns & a byo picnic.
We will then walk towards Idbury after the picnic and then return to Fifield for the 2pm Solemn Hour at the Cross Service
(due to work in Idbury Church the service will be in Fifield).
9.30am Milton Family Communion followed by Easter egg hunt
11.00am Shipton Family Communion followed by Easter egg hunt
11.00am Fifield Family Service followed by Easter Cake.
Fifield’s service will be a joyous Family Service including a special reading between two people who were witnesses on Good Friday.
Communion will be offered to those who would like to receive it at the end of the service.
After the Service there will be an Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Cake.