New Beginnings

Holy Week in the Benefice

Palm Sunday 2 April
10.50am Procession with pony from Shipton Green to:
11am Shipton Church United Benefice Holy Communion followed by Lent Lunch in church (please book your lunch by 29/3contact the office [email protected] or sign up in church).

Monday 3 April
Easter Messy Church10am
 Milton Church All welcome for family activites and Easter Egg trail. Finishing up with refreshments.

Wednesday 5 April “The Last Supper” 6.30pm Fifield Parish Hall A traditional meal including lamb following Jesus’ last supper with readings & prayers (see website for details, booking required by 3/4, contact Catherine Hitchens 01993 83188).

Maundy Thursday 6 April Holy Communion Milton Church 10.30am


Good Friday 7 April

Milton Church 9.30am Good Friday Service

Benefice Walk: Departs Milton Church 10.30, walking to Fifield for hot cross buns & a byo picnic then on to Idbury Church.

Idbury Church 2pm Solemn Hour at the Cross

Easter Day 9 April

Milton Church 9.30am Family Communion
Shipton Church
 11am Family Communion
Fifield Church
 11am Family Service

All services followed by Easter Egg hunt