Jesus is Risen

Jesus is Risen

Jesus is Risen

Jesus said: Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it again. John 2:19
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5

Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us, so let us celebrate the feast, not with the old leaven of corruption and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 1 Corinthians 5.7b, 8

Christ once raised from the dead dies no more death has no more dominion over him. In dying he died to sin once for all in living he lives to God. See yourselves therefore as dead to sin and alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6.9–11

Risen Christ, you filled you disciples with boldness and fresh hope: strengthen us to proclaim your risen life and fill us with your peace, to the glory of God the Father.