Keeping everyone safe – updated guidance on coming to church updated November 2021
Updated Guidance on coming to church
November 2021
With the current high rates of covid infections and a wider range of symptoms, we are reviewing our guidance on people coming to church.
For your own safety and the safety of others, we ask that you please stay at home if you are feeling at all unwell.
Masks It is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering, though the government expects and recommends that people wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed settings to protect themselves and others.
Hand sanitizer is readily available.
Space and Seating We will have an area in church for those who prefer to keep their distance.
Communion Services Clergy will wear a mask whilst preparing the elements and distributing the Communion as at present.
Congregational singing We still recommend wearing a mask whilst singing.
Register of Attendance in Church We are encouraging people to continue to sign in using the sign-in sheets.
Thank you.