Lockdown 3 – what it means for The Wychwood Benefice
5 January, 2021
Dear Friends
Following the announcement of a new lockdown Monday evening I have given some thought to how we will go forward with our Sunday Services.
The Church of England has issued a statement part of which reads:
“…The Prime Minister’s words tonight underline the severity of the situation for the country, as the virus continues to spread rapidly. At a time like this, the Church is here to offer comfort and spiritual support to everyone. We have a duty to care for each other, but particularly those who are vulnerable or who may be most at risk.
“The Government has chosen not to suspend public worship in England at this time and we will continue to follow the guidance and ensure that churches remain as safe as possible. The Government guidance on the safe use of places of worship makes clear that those attending a place of worship must not mingle with anyone outside their household or support bubble.
“However, some may feel that it is currently better not to attend in person, and there will be parishes which decide to offer only digital services for the time-being…“
I am proposing that for the time being there will be only one service of Communion each Sunday for the duration of the lockdown as well as the Wednesday Service in Milton. An online service will continue to be posted for those who wish to stay at home.
These will be simple said services, I do not wish to oblige anyone to attend who does not wish to, this includes sides-men/women or sacristans, readers, intercessors, so please can we suspend any rotas for the duration. I will bring my own Chalice and Pattern to minimise the involvement of others. I urge you to think seriously about attending these services, your safety must come first, and I will not be disappointed if there is no one attending.
The pattern would therefore be:
10th Fifield 11am
17th Milton 9:30
24th Idbury 11am
31st Milton 9:30 am
7th Shipton 11am
14th Fifield 11am
17th Ash Wednesday 10.30 am Milton
21st Milton 9:30 am
28th Idbury 11am
plus a Wednesday mid week Holy Communion service in Milton Church at 10.30am.
Vicar, Wychwood Benefice