Milton Church Barn Dance
In answer to popular request we are holding a Barn Dance on Friday 24 June at Manor Farm Barn, Upper Milton OX7 6EX 6.30-10.30pm, in aid of Church funds.
The bar will open at 6.30 pm and we will have a sit down buffet supper, beginning at 7pm, that will surprisingly feature roast pork accompanied by various salads and followed by home made puddings. There will be vegetarian options.
Dancing to the acclaimed barn dance group Bathsheba’s Wedding will commence at 8.30 and they will continue playing until 10.30. No previous experience is needed – it’s great fun learning!
Tickets cost £15 for adults and £5 for children, from Mike Hartley 01993 830 160 or The Benefice Centre (open Monday and Friday mornings )