Monday Midday Prayers in the Benefice Centre behind Milton Church

Midday Prayers
Midday Prayers are open to all and take place on Mondays in the Benefice Centre behind St Simon and St Jude Church, Milton under Wychwood.

“Midday prayers is a time for quiet reflection on varied matters, for which our prayers are needed.  The readings often turn out to be most appropriate.  Not only parochial “for the sick”, but also wider issues are raised and there are frequent occasions ‘when two or three are gathered together, you grant their requests ‘.

As a relative newcomer to midday prayers I can say what a difference it makes to be able to gather with some of the “church family” to discuss and pray over, issues and problems that cannot necessarily be addressed on a Sunday. It keeps a sense of continuity of being “church” in this community from week to week and allows us to get to know other members of our “fellowship” and promotes just that – fellowship.. It also provides a forum for us to be able to support each other in our needs and to help us maintain a closer Christian walk which at times is particularly challenging!

I come to midday prayers to share with others our own concerns, and those for people in our church and community and in the world, and remembering to thank God for his goodness – blessings we have received and answers to prayers. It is a more intimate space than church because there are only a few of us. As a result we have got to know each other well and feel free to share things that we might feel uncomfortable about mentioning on a Sunday morning. It is also good to read the set daily bible passages together, which often tie in miraculously with what we have been talking or thinking about.  It would be great if more people could come and enjoy them –Monday prayers are a welcome time of thoughtful reflection during a busy day and an opportunity to share concerns and give thanks with dear friends.  It has become a valued part of my life.”