Monthly Holy Communion around the Benefice: Day Centre
“It is a privilege to be given the Bishop’s permission to lead monthly short services of “home communion” to some members, usually 7 or 8, of the Wychwood Day Centre. Commencing with prayers for sick members, and loved ones who need our thoughts, an abridged form of the Common Worship service is used, with a reading and some general prayers preceding distribution of pre-consecrated elements. Those attending really appreciate this quiet half-hour together as most of them are unable to attend one of the Wychwood churches.”
“I know how much it means to most of them and an especial few who are unable to get out to church or may feel uncomfortable in doing so. It is bringing the church to ALL parts of our community and reaching those who may never go in to a church. I also know of some who have turned away from “religion” – because of their situation and have a perceived view that God has forgotten them or allowed “bad things” to happen. So, for them to be able to sit and not listen if they so wish, yet allowing your presence and words to surround them – can only be a positive thing and who knows what God’s word can accomplish without any help from ourselves!!”