Good Friday walk

February 2018 Services in the Benefice

Sunday 4 February
11.00am United Benefice Holy Communion with children’s and youth groups Shipton

Sunday 11 February
8.15am BCP Holy Communion Shipton
9.30am Holy Communion Milton
11.00am BCP Morning Prayer Shipton
11.00am BCP Holy Communion Fifield

Wednesday 14 February – Ash Wednesday 
7.30pm Holy Communion Fifield

Sunday 18 February
9.30am United Benefice Holy Communion with children’s and youth groups Milton
5.00pm Choral Evensong Fifield

Sunday 25 February
8.15am BCP Holy Communion Shipton
9.30am Sunday Worship Milton
11.00am Holy Communion Shipton
11.00am BCP Morning Prayer Idbury