New members of the Order of St Brinus
Mike and Joy Brooks were admitted as members of the order on 18th September in Dorchester Abbey. Mike and Joy work tirelessly for the benefit of the church in Shipton. Mike is our long standing Bell Tower Captain, and Joy our long standing Sacristan. They both act as Verger for many services, always going beyond the call of duty to make those sensitive occasions as good and smooth as they can be.
As well as this, they regularly liaise with our Administrator, Clare, to ensure that everything is ready for services, and are always happy to help her at busy times with all sorts of jobs. They both serve on the PCC, with their names routinely next to agenda items and action points! They both ring, and bring on new ringers, meaning we have a thriving band of bell ringers in Shipton. On top of all this, they regularly take services through the week in local nursing homes as well as Joy leading services on a Sunday. Their support through Rev’d Anne Hartley’s sabbatical literally made the difference between it being possible and impossible. Apart from all that, they are just lovely, Godly, kind, gentle, exceptional examples of Christian people living out their faith. I, and I am sure you, thank God for them, and this nomination is by way of a ‘thank you’ for all that they are.