Other 900 Years Events
Here’s an overview of the other events planned to celebrate 900 years of St Mary The Virgin. More details to follow!
Saturday 1 August, 3-6pm: Tea at Shipton Court in the house of Paul and Martin Thomas-Jeffreys. It will have a 1940s theme (costumes optional), live music, fun croquet on the upper lawn and afternoon tea.
Saturday 12 September will also be Ride and Stride with full peel being rung to mark 900th as well as banner making for children and families in the church for the decorations for the feast on 19 September. Times to be confirmed.
Sunday 13 September Patronal Church service with Bishop Colin.
The Peoples Feast Saturday 19 September
Starting at 4pm with a feast with 6pm in the church yard and vicarage garden. There will be a variety of entertainment.
Saturday 26 September: Come and Sing with Bob Chilcott
More details to follow or contact [email protected]