Prayers for the School October 2023
The Prayer for School group met on Thursday the 5th of October. We meet once a half term, just before pick-up time…
These were the topics that we prayed for:
For the Reception children that they settled into their new setting, for any still struggling with routines and building relationships that they would quickly find friendships and enjoy all the activities offered.
Pray for Mr Rubba and the staff as they manage covering some staffing changes. We prayed that they would feel sustained, be able to manage all the practicalities as We pray for the whole staff team as they support each other. We are grateful for their commitment to the school.
We prayed for the School Governors that they would be given wisdom as they deal with practical matters.
We prayed for the lunch times with a new organisation managing the dinners.
For the Y6 parents choosing secondary schools, we pray for a sense of peace when the applications go in. We pray for the children in Y6 that they would settle and enjoy the year and be able to leave the worries of next year to one side.
We pray for the year 3-4 group as they look at the topic of ‘Belonging’ and what Christian Communion means. We pray that they would enjoy the activities planned and gain an understanding of Jesus being ‘the Rescuer’, that they would feel confident to be curious and that their questions might be answered.
We prayed for the PTA Committee and all the events and activities they plan. We pray that they might have energy as well as inspiration as they try to support school and engage with the wider parent community.
We continue to hold Cassidy’s family in our thoughts and prayers…
We prayed for those children who have additional needs as they settle into a new school year. We prayed for the staff and Mrs Stratford, SENDCo, as they work with these children. We prayed that the children would quickly build relationships and the would be at ease in their new classes.
We prayed for the links between the school and the churches in the Wychwoods. We are thankful for they Open the Book activities and assemblies led by Reverend Karen. We pray for the Light Party at the Baptist Church in October.
We prayed for the parents who meet at the school gate, that the community as we support to new parents coming in as well as those who are familiar…that relationships would develop and grow.
We pray for the children across the school that they would have a real understanding of what it means to ‘Shine like lights in the world’…