Reflection from Anne 26 April 2020
The New Normal
As we approach the end of our fourth week in isolation, I hope we all have our basic needs covered and are getting the help we need. My experience has been that there are many people ready and willing to help, so please let us know if you’re aware of anyone who needs help in any way.
We’re all doing our best to get through this crisis but it’s true that we’re not all in the same boat. Our experience of lockdown will be very different, whether we’re single parents, or any parents, trying to provide routine and a good learning environment for our children of varying ages, with and without a garden; elderly couples who are used to spending a lot of time together and pleased to have our shopping delivered to the door; families with parents and grownup children who should be at University or college, adjusting to living so close to each other and learning how to be adults, together; those who live alone, widowed, widowered or through choice, who are supposed to be used to this, who are only too aware of the difference between being able to cope alone and living a meaningful life. For all of us there are positives and negatives.
At times like this we all need reassurance that we’re not on our own, whatever we’re facing, whatever our circumstances. A phone call to a family member, friend or neighbour, can make a huge difference to their day. Letting them know that you are praying for them can be a great comfort too.
We’re all having to work out what really matters – what’s important to us, what we can’t live without.
Just now we have time to reflect on our experiences – and make plans for the time that is surely coming, when we can get back to work, churches will be open and we can meet up again.
What will we do differently? What do we want to keep doing? What are the good things that have come out of this time – what has shocked us most?
As we celebrate Easter, with all the joy that the risen Christ brings, we look forward to Pentecost. In Acts we will read about the dramatic difference the coming of the Holy Spirit made, in the lives of the Disciples. Life would never be the same again.
As you reflect on life after the pandemic is under control, please share your thoughts with us.
How can we channel the power of the Holy Spirit, in the ways we meet as the church in our benefice, in the ways we show God’s love, hope and forgiveness?
It would be so easy to return to normal, the comfortable way we used to do things, but our experiences of this time in lockdown, have surely changed our priorities.
Let’s not just get back to normal. Let’s build a new normal, and shape that together,
with Jesus in our midst, breathing life into us, opening us up to receive his love, strength, confidence and grace.
with prayers and blessings to you and all those you love.