Ride and Stride 2022

Ride and Stride 2022 Saturday 10 September
Do you enjoy cycling? Or walking? Horse-riding? Or have an unusual form of
transport – like a vintage tractor? Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust, an
organisation that makes grants to churches across the county for everything
from essential repairs to projects to make your local church a building that can
be of use to the whole community by installing a loo and kitchen for example,
invites you to join in our Ride+Stride Event on Saturday 10 September.
Counties all over England take part in this and together raised over £1.2 million
in 2020 – half the monies raised are used by the Trusts to make grants and half
remains in each participating local community to be used to maintain these
beautiful historic buildings that are so much part of our landscape.
Like to find out more? Take a look at our website – www.ohct.org.uk