Safely Coming to Church
Our churches are now displaying posters with QR codes. If you are able to, please download the free app onto your phone before you come to church. Details here:
Please scan the code each time you enter one of our churches. By ‘checking-in’, app users will have a digital diary on their phones of the venues they have been to which can support discussions with contact tracers if they become ill with coronavirus. It also means that important public health messages can be sent to relevant app users’ phones if needed. Venues will not be named in any messages. If you are unable to do this please use the sign in sheets.
Latest Guidelines on attending services:
• People will be greeted and shown to their seats
• Please wear a mask or covering and use hand sanitizer on entering church
• Sign in or use the App on your phone to register
• Pick up an order of service – this may be on your seat in the pew
• For the time being there will be an organist and a small choir at services held in
Shipton. Other churches will use recorded music/singing although there may be
an organist. Congregations are not yet permitted to sing
• We ask you please not to come if you are unwell
The Churches are open daily with signs on the doors explaining how to safely enter the churches for private prayer.