St. Simon & St. Jude, Milton under Wychwood, Fourth Sunday Worship
During recent months here at our Church in Milton on the Fourth Sunday of the month, we have been enjoying some changes in our services. With more modern music and telling well known stories from the Bible, and what they mean for us today.
This Sunday, 26th July, we will be hearing about ‘The Marvellous Picnic’ when Jesus fed 5000 people.
During our service this Sunday we will be welcoming Albie into our Church Family. He is 9 years old and has asked to be baptised himself. He has chosen his Godparents, who will be his big brother who is 15 and his cousin who is 12. We are really looking forward to joining with Albie in this great event in his life.
The songs we will be singing will be ‘Shine Jesus Shine’, ‘Feeding 5000’, with actions, ‘God is working His purpose out’, and, ‘Colours of the Day’.
It would be great if you will join us on Sunday at 9.30am for this ‘Marvellous’ Sunday.
Next month in our Fourth Sunday service we will be hearing from St. John’s Gospel about ‘The Bread of Heaven