The Church News and Service details for Easter
Read the latest Church News here: Church News Easter 2021 4-11 April
There are services as follows on Easter Day:
9.30am Easter Holy Communion Service in Milton Church. This service will also be live-streamed on facebook:
(booking required to attend the service in Milton – please email Liz: [email protected])
11am Live Zoom Easter Communion Service
Join our Zoom Sunday Service:
Meeting ID: 838 3997 6916
Passcode: Service
Here is a copy of the order of service for Easter Day (The church and zoom service): Easter Sunday Communion
For details of services on Sunday 11 April, please read the Church News above.
If you would like to make a one off donation towards our churches here are the bank details:
Payable to: The Wychwood Benefice, CAF Bank
Acc No: 00032493, Sort Code: 40 52 40