Vicar’s Report Autumn 2016
This report seeks to review who we are and how we express that following my extended period of illness. It is written with a sincere desire to find ourselves in a healthy, sustainable place, where we are able to fulfil who God is calling us to be. Please consider the headings that follow, which are the priorities we have identified for ourselves through PCC and Joint PCC meetings, Away Days, conversations with others and looking at who we are. Are these still right? Do we need to add anything? Do we need to change anything?
We express who we are as the people of God in this place through the priorities we have, the things that we do and the way that we are within our communities. I have also created a list [albeit not necessarily exhaustive, though certainly exhausting to read!] of the things that we are involved in as a benefice. Please consider these things, what these things say about us, what our priorities are within those. What might be added, what might be stopped, what might be changes, and what those decisions mean for how we express God’s love in this Benefice. At our JPCC meeting, we will be discussing these things, so please do speak to your PCC members if there are things you would like to feed into this.
• Strengthening our personal faith in God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit
• Ensuring our congregations are attractive and welcoming,
relevant and all pervasive hubs within our communities
• Growing and reaching out to all generations
• Sharing ministry together, using our God given gifts and passions
• Making a difference in the world
When I look at these priorities, I am particularly struck by Sharing ministry together, using our God given gifts and passions. I am very grateful for the way in which so many have stepped up and into different areas of ministry over the past years, and particularly over the last few months. I am sure we are all very grateful for what each of these brings to the life, mission and ministry of this benefice. I hope that they will be an inspiration to others and that we would continue to flourish as we each take our part, bringing the unique gifts we have been given.
Please do join me in thanking them all.
In other news:
Our new Bishop, Stephen Croft, is arriving imminently. There will be a service of welcome in Dorchester Abbey on 9th October, which will make that a bumper day with two Harvest Festivals as well, but do get along if you can. As well as praying for +Stephen, do also remember +Colin in your prayers as he comes to the end of two years of fulfilling two roles.
As we come to the 5th anniversary of me being your Vicar this Sunday, and think back to our first Away Weekend where we hoped and dreamed about where we wanted to be in five years time, I am reminded of how much we can be grateful to God for. Perhaps it is time for new dreams.
With love, Kate
Vicars Report Autumn 16
Marriage enrichment
Afternoon tea
School in church
Food bank
UB services
Hope Street
Good Friday walk
Away days
Lent lunch
Vicars discretionary fund
BCP services
Worship group
Coffee Club
Supporting Christian Aid
Maundy Thursday supper
Holy Communion Services
Community carols/harvests…
Lay led services
Home groups
Old Prebendal Holy Communion
Fetes and fundraisers
Day Centre communion
Shoe Box
Tall Trees Holy Communion
Confirmation groups
Home communions
Sunday Worship services
Tall Trees Songs of Praise
Marriage preparation
Confirmations at Cathedral
Marking significant national moments
Day Centre Songs of Praise
Pastoral team
Midday prayers
Supporting bereaved
Church presence on village rotas
Celebration services – all souls, weddings,
Mothers Union communion
Christingle – children’s society
Discussion about admitting children to
Lent courses
RE day at school
Administrative structure of Benefice
Harvest produce
Advent courses
MU meetings
Carol services
OPH coffee mornings
Good Friday family service
Harvest lunches
Baptism preparation