Milton Coffee Morning Saturday 25 May,10.30-12.30 Milton Church
With bacon sandwiches and cake. Come and support this church fundraiser and social.
Car Boot Sale Saturday 4 May New Beaconsfield Hall Playing Field 10-12noon
Go on you know you want to…. The perfect opportunity to have a clear out. Or to find a bargain. And you’ll be raising funds for Shipton Church.
Details on the poster:
Church News for 28 April – 5 May
Church News 28 April -5 May 2024
Church News 14-21 April
Church News 14-21 April
Church News for Easter 2024
Church News Easter 2024 31 March – 7 April
Holy Week and Easter in the Benefice
Events & Services during Holy Week & Easter
Wednesday 27 March Midweek Holy Communion 10am Milton Church (with Maundy Thursday readings)
Wednesday 27 March “The Last Supper” 6.30 for 7pm Milton Church Room A traditional meal including lamb following Jesus’ last supper with readings & prayers. Booking required by 24 March, contact Anne.
[email protected] or 07770745621. Suggested donation £5.
Good Friday 29 March
Milton Church 9.30am Good Friday Devotion
Benefice Walk: A small group of people will walk from Shipton Church at 9am, continuing the walk from Milton Church at 10.30am, to Fifield for hot cross buns & a byo picnic.
We will then walk towards Idbury after the picnic and then return to Fifield for the 2pm Solemn Hour at the Cross Service
(due to work in Idbury Church the service will be in Fifield).
9.30am Milton Family Communion followed by Easter egg hunt
11.00am Shipton Family Communion followed by Easter egg hunt
11.00am Fifield Family Service followed by Easter Cake.
Fifield’s service will be a joyous Family Service including a special reading between two people who were witnesses on Good Friday.
Communion will be offered to those who would like to receive it at the end of the service.
After the Service there will be an Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Cake.
Prayer for School Group 14 March 2024
The Prayer for School Group met on Thursday 14th March:
If you have an area of school that you would like prayer for, please do let us know or if you would like to join us, please feel free to contact: Jenny Miller on [email protected] or Jo Barham on [email protected]
We prayed for the following areas:
For all the Easter preparations that will shortly be underway. That the children would enjoy singing some Easter songs or new songs and that they would understand what the celebrations are about… We prayed for the Open the Book assemblies that the children would enjoy the activities and stories and know more about why Easter is special.
For Mr Rubba and the Governors as they come to the end of the financial year and have to make money stretch and be creative with staffing and resources. We prayed for wisdom at these challenging times.
We prayed for Mrs Mack as she moves on to exciting new adventures in a new role. We prayed that she would be blessed and encouraged. For the children in her class who may feel sad and bereft, we prayed that that would feel supported and settle quickly in the summer term. We prayed that the handover of staff would be seamless and feel easy.
We prayed for all the plays and trips and outings at this busy time of year. We prayed for the staff that they would have energy and strength as the end of term approaches. We are so thankful that there are so many creative and exciting experiences that the children can access.
For the Y6 children, now that they know the secondary school that they will be going to. We prayed for friendships that may be stretched, for those who may feel anxious about the move and that the Y6 would enjoy the last term of Wychwood School and make lots of positive memories. And for the staff who will support them and help them as they make the transition to a new, bigger setting.
We prayed for the SIAMs inspection that seemed to go well. We are grateful that there is an awareness that we are spiritual beings, lights in the world, and that all that school do in this area would be recognised. We prayed for Miss Rumsby as she takes on the RE aspects of learning.
Palm Sunday Services – Sunday 24 March 2024
10.50am Meet at the Memorial on Shipton Green for a procession to the church.
11.00am United Benefice Holy Communion Palm Sunday Service with Choir in Shipton Church followed by Lent Lunch with activities for children.
Lent Lunch following the Palm Sunday Service in Shipton Church. Please let us know a couple of days before if you’d like to stay for lunch. Email:
We will be supporting Christian Aid’s Middle East Crisis Appeal.
There is also an 11.00am Palm Sunday Service in Fifield Church
Services on Sunday 10 March – Mothering Sunday
We will be celebrating all who mother us this Mothering Sunday at the following services:
9.30am Mothering Sunday Service in Milton Church
11.00am Mothering Sunday Service in Fifield Church
11.00am Mothering Sunday Service in Shipton Church
Flowers will be distributed and the services will be followed by refreshments
There will also be a BCP Holy Communion Service at 8.15am in Shipton Church